Majoring in Physics at 菠菜网lol正规平台
At the core of all science, physics helps us understand chemical reactions, protein folding, the Earth’s interior, and the life cycle of stars. Physicists invented the transistor, the laser, the electron microscope, and the AI neural network. They play key roles in the design and operation of spacecraft and in the development of electronic and optical instrumentation. The Department of Physics and Astronomy faculty at 菠菜网lol正规平台 are experts in fields including astronomy and cosmology, atomic/molecular/optical physics and quantum information, condensed matter, high-energy physics, optics and photonics, physics education research, and quantum foundations. The department receives on average approximately $1.8 million annually in external funding for sponsored research. In terms of major options, the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Department of Physics and Astronomy undergraduate curriculum combines flexible degree pathways with uniquely individualized access to world-class scientists. Come join us!
The BA in Physics provides a strong foundation in physics while allowing sufficient electives for the student to pursue a second program of study in another field (e.g., science education, business, math, or another science). The program consists of 46 units worth of physics and/or astronomy courses, 18 units worth of courses in support of the major, 44 units worth of general education credits, and 12 units worth of university electives.
The BA in Physics, Preparation for Teaching is designed for students interested in teaching science in high school or middle school, and enrolled students will earn units towards their single subject credential as an undergraduate. The program consists of 53 units worth of physics, astronomy and teaching courses, 18 units worth of courses in support of the major, 44 units worth of general education credits, and 5 units worth of university electives.
The BS in Physics prepares students for professional positions in applied and computational physics or for graduate study. The program consists of 39 units worth of physics and/or astronomy courses, 34 units worth of courses in support of the major, 44 units worth of general education credits, and 3 units worth of university electives.
Apply to Change your Major
For more information about majoring in physics, contact the department undergradate advising coordinator (Prof. Christopher Smallwood) by messaging or by filling out the form linked below.
Change-of-Major application windows are open during November for the fall semester. They are open during March-April in the spring semester.
To have a change-of-major application accepted in physics, Students must usually have taken and passed PHYS 50 and MATH 30 with a "C" or better. In addition, they need a minimum 2.0 菠菜网lol正规平台 GPA overall, and they cannot have any outstanding D-F-WU-NC-I grades in courses required in the intended major. Change-of-major applications normally need to be submitted before a student has completed 90 units of coursework, which includes a maximum of 70 transferred units.
Course Offerings
- List of Courses
- Undergraduate Course Map [pdf] (including courses required for the BA and BS, prerequisites, and typical terms offered)
- Required Classes [pdf] (BS vs BA vs BA, Preparation for Teaching)
- Undergraduate Advising Page