Students roaming around a lush and green campus on a sunny day.

菠菜网lol正规平台's physical campus is beautiful and a testament to the skill and experience of the staff who maintain it. 菠菜网lol正规平台's digital campus deserves the same care and attention. The guidelines and best practices outlined here provide the foundation for a renewed effort to ensure our digital presence, such as websites, apps, email, social media and other digital channels, provides a positive user experience and reflection of our Spartan community.

A staff member working on his laptop on a desk with some printed materials spread throughout.


菠菜网lol正规平台's digital presence is guided by University Marketing & Communications and Information Technology working together as a team with much work behind the scenes done by thousands of people in the campus community. To ensure that work complies with best practices and meets the highest standards of our university mission, UMC and IT define guidelines and ground rules for our digital campus.


We’ve defined processes and workflows to guide users through getting new websites, maintaining and updating their content, and getting the help they need.

Content Guidelines

Our digital communications channels are an essential way to reach our audiences. Optimize your content on your digital platform by following best practices.